Yes! Today it's Sinterklaas day, a children's feast!. Together with family and friends.....or not because Corona measures in The Netherlands prohibits to gather with more then two people outside the same household. So how did you celebrate Sinterklaas? Zoom? Facetime? Skype? Or just within your own household? Anyhow, Sinterklaas night is about being together and sharing. M and I, having no children of ourselves, haven't celebrated Sinterklaas for years. My mom used to bake 'gevulde speculaas' and buy 'chocolade letters' for us. Because we have to miss this here in the US, I baked 'pepernoten' today. The only spice we took with us was 'koek en speculaas' and that came in handy today. The appr. 75 'pepernoten' are delicious, but we are a little homesick now.
Have a beautiful Sunday everyone!!!
ps. This year my mom sent me a picture of her own baked 'gevulde speculaas'. It looks so good 😊 that I can 'smell and taste' it here.
Patty C
December 6, 2020
from Clarksville, VA
December 7, 2020
December 7, 2020
December 7, 2020
Richard Flapper
December 9, 2020
Martijn Broeders
December 9, 2020
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