Over the weekend we worked hard in the woods making a path on the right side of the property. First M had to saw a huge tree that was lying across the path to be. By doing this a whole new part of our property was now accessible. It took us a while before we were able to take a walk without having encounters with branches all the time. We also made a wall of wood deviding our property with the road. And we disovered the Carrington-Johnson cemetery that is on our property! We were already looking for it, and now we found it! It is, like the rest, overgrown with bushes and trees. Because the cemetery is owned by the Carrington family we are not going to clean up. Or maybe only after we are finished with the rest.
Today we are working at the back of the house again. Because we haven't seen the contractor since last Friday when he poured the concrete, we are not in his way.
It is cold, freezing during nights, and by working outside we keep warm. Luckily last night we were invited again by Patty and Brad so we were able to get really warm. We had of course a great dinner, Pot Roast with again a delicious desert. We had a lot of fun.
Josephine smits
December 9, 2020
from Steenbergen
December 9, 2020
josephine smits
December 11, 2020
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
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