• February 13, 2021
  • Eveline Broeders-Wilke
  • 948
  • 2
  • in about 3 minutes.

Our first Outage in Clarksville

It is a fact. Due to rain and cold, trees and powerlines are frozen and we have our first serious outage. Since this morning around 10 am (1 hour ago) we are without electricity. According to the website of the provider 1/3 of all Southside Virginia customers experience a outage. We are not alone so that is comforting.

Part of Clarksville  is still on; i called Patty an hour ago and she told me they were experiencing some on and off outage but nothing substantial. 

Anyhow, we just have to wait untill the electric is back on. Rain prevents us from working outside so that's a bummer too. Luckily we have three gas heaters and we keep warm. 

Have a great weekend everyone with hopefully lots of love tomorrow on Valentine's Day ❤️❤️❤️


  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
    Richard Flapper
    February 15, 2021
    from Den Haag
    Oef! Doet me denken aan die ijzelstorm die we in ‘87 in het Noorden van NL kregen. Gebroken stroomkabels en geen stroom. Duurde echter niet heel lang maar was wel vervelend. Vandaag is het winterweer hier in NL weer op zijn eind gekomen. Terwijl ik dit type zie ik de regen langs de ramen stromen. Komend weekend voorspellen ze voorjaar. Tot wel 16C (60F voor jullie! 😉 ) in het zuiden van het land met een zonnetje erbij.
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      February 16, 2021
      Yes the weather is doing some tricks on us. Strange. Did you go ice skating?
The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Clarksville VA / 2020



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