Today the container with our things from NL arrived!!! We first were told that the truck would arrive between noon and 1 pm. Then it was between 3-3:30 pm. I guess the truck came arond 4:00 pm. But then the real challenge began because due to a miscommunication the crew to unseal and unload the container was nowhere to be seen. The chauffeur of the truck, Charles, a really great guy, called his 'boss lady' and after some debate a crew was mobilised. They came around 6:30. So in the meanwhile we showed Charles the home. Being a really knowledgeable guy on the history of Virginia, and probably the rest if the USA, it was entertaining to talk with him. M gave him our business card and hopefully he and his fiancé, he talked highly of, will visit us some day.
Because of the heavy rain yesterday, the soil got really soaked and the truck got stuck. So at 11:10 pm the tow truck finally arrived and hopefully Charles can head home, wich is another 3.5 hour drive.
With our bikes on the porch and the old old sofa almost available for our dogs we are tired but also happy that we can use our stuff again after almost 5 months without it. Have a great weekend everyone!
Nijs en Ria
October 31, 2020
from Wouw
October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
from Zoetermeer
October 31, 2020
Marieke Wilke
November 1, 2020
November 2, 2020
Richard Flapper
November 2, 2020
from Den Haag
November 2, 2020
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