As I already mentioned before it is possible that you run into a snake or a big big spider. Since I can remember I am absolutely terrified of snakes. Only once in my life I saw 2 snakes in the wild and that was during a hike on Saba. So before we came here I researched the internet to find out which snakes to expect. Lucky me, there is only one venomous snake, the Copper head. This snake hides in dark places and has many different skin patterns and 'copper' colours. There are baby sizes, as big as a worm and some can be at least 3 feet. Furthermore there is the black snake but he is harmless.
So today we decided to clear out one of the sheds (the previous tabacco smoke house). With a flash light in one hand and a stick in the other, we made a lot of noise and waited for the snake to emerge. Pfffff... lucky us, no snakes only a couple of really big spiders instead. Grose....but we scared them off.
After that we cleared out a lot of (useless) wood and other things. There were one or two things we will use and the rest we will throw away. One thing stood out though and that was the sign of the restaurant that was here before we bought the place. The sign is.....well see for yourself;-)
Marieke Wilke
October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020
Josephine smits
October 30, 2020
from Steenbergen
October 31, 2020
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