Oké so today we went full speed ahead. After a week doing a lot of other stuff because of the weather and our soured muscles we finally took our Auger #2 (the first one only lasted one hole) and drilled a dozen holes for the dog pen posts. It went like crazy and also with a lot of smoke.
Then we stopped because we first wanted to lay out all the posts to make sure that we had enough of them.
Also we had to get some more gas, and take the pup for the first time into town and visit our friend Patty (owner of The Delicate Flower B&B).
After lunch we tried to get the Auger running again, but that didn't work. An thorough inspection by M showed that the oil was pouring out of the motor. Oeps, that was of course NOT good. So the Auger #2, a Honda 4 strike, is also broken by the first try. Really a bummer because now we have to buy another one and the dogs have to wait for at least 1 week😢 The story continues.
Patty C
February 15, 2021
from Clarksville
February 16, 2021
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