Since last Monday we have been clearing out 5 of the 6 sheds and 2 garages. A lot of rotten wood, an old suitcase, a couple of wooden crates, a lot of reusable planks, rotten windows, and reusable windows as well, etc, etc we got out of the sheds. We also removed the carpet upstairs in the back main house and threw that in the big big dumpster. So at the end of today M closed the dumpster, totally full and it will be picked up asap. It was a tough job, but we are happy that the sheds look so fine now that we have promoted them to Cabins:-)
And we are also glad that we didn't find any snakes lying around😬😄
November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
Marieke Wilke
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020
Richard Flapper
November 24, 2020
from Den Haag
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