After rain comes sunshine they say. So yesterday it was a beautiful day to work outside and that is what we did. We cut more (small) trees in the forest, and cleaned up the garden further. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but at first we had a little bit of a struggle to find the right place where to put all those cut trees and bushes. Because it is so much that the two spots we started to use, were absolute not sufficient. So what we did is we gathered the wood alongside the Old Farm Road and created a kind of wooded fence this way. It is a lot of work, but we love the result. Today we will continue. Have a great Sunday!
October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020
Nijs en Ria
October 25, 2020
from Wouw
Martijn Broeders
October 25, 2020
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