• November 26, 2020
  • Eveline Broeders-Wilke
  • 815
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  • in about 2 minutes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's the fourth Thursday of November and that means it is Thanksgiving! For me and M the first time together here in the US. And we got invited by Patty and her husband Brad, owners of a pastry bakery and also 1 of the B&B's in town. We had stuffed Turkey, mashed potato with gravy, green beans, etc, etc. For desert we had a choice of Cheesecake, Chocolate Smudge pie, Pumpkin pie and Pecan Pie. We couldn't make a choice so we ended up with a small peace of all four of them. It was really superb!!! Especially the chocolate smudge was so tasty. We were lucky to be invited by such a great couple. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Patty C avatar
    Patty C
    December 6, 2020
    from Charles
    Brad and I were so happy you two could join us for Thanksgiving dinner. New friends, new adventures!
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      December 7, 2020
The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Clarksville VA / Bread topped with butter and chocolate vlokken



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