• March 14, 2021
  • Martijn Broeders
  • 1066
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  • in 3 minutes.

Employee of the month

After long deliberation and meetings for weeks, we have an employee of the month winner!!

Eveline Broeders-Wilke.

Her hard work, mastered many skills and always optimistic made her the best candidate!

Congratulations!! We hope you like the dry roasted peanuts!
The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast Committee


  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
    Richard Flapper
    March 15, 2021
    from Den Haag
    Hahahah .. Let me guess, next months Employee of the month isss.. Martijn Broeders! :D
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      Martijn Broeders
      March 15, 2021
      Hahaha LOL, no that would be too obvious!!
  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
    Richard Flapper
    March 17, 2021
    from Den Haag
    Me being a severe weather enthusiast just noticed the Storm Prediction Center just gave a severe weather notice for your area. From the southern path of VA up to FL. It’s quite a large area and I know chances are quite low that something actually happens, but are you guys doing ok?
  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
    Richard Flapper
    March 17, 2021
    from Den Haag
    Ah, just noticed these are the maps for tomorrow. Hope you guys are doing ok though!
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      Martijn Broeders
      March 17, 2021
      Thanks Richard for your concern. As far I can see. using Dark Sky weather app from Apple, the bad weather will be tomorrow and Friday. Will be raining and some wind but hope that's it :-)
      • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
        Richard Flapper
        March 17, 2021
        Yeah, it'll be mainly tomorrow. I tend to follow the Storm Prediction Center its site quite a bit during this period of the year. I've probably mentioned it once or twice, I'd really like to go out and do some storm chasing one day. Maybe it'll be in '24 when we plan on being there for the solar eclipse. That's in April. The ideal period for storm chasing! :) .. but I've gotten in the habit of checking out the Storm Prediction Center and I saw this heading your way.Right now it seems the worst will be south of you guys. Hope it stays that way. Checking out a tornado is great but it needs to be from far away from urban areas. Oh yeah, there's another app next to Dark Sky which I also use. It's called RadarScope. It's got even more detailed severe weather info.
        • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
          Martijn Broeders
          March 17, 2021
          When I have the time I would like to contact you about getting my own weather station like you have. Weather fascinates me and I think it could be a nice addition for the B&B's active guests.
          • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Richard Flapper avatar
            Richard Flapper
            March 17, 2021
            Sure! No problem. I guess you know my phone number for iMessage. If not I'll send it to you through Mariela and Eveline. When you're ready for it just drop me a message!
  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Kees Ockhuysen avatar
    Kees Ockhuysen
    March 27, 2021
    from Den Haag
    Wat een goed idee en dappere stap, veel succes, hartelijke groet, Kees
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      Eveline Broeders-Wilke
      March 28, 2021
      Ha Kees, dank je! Leuk om wat van je te horen. Hoop dat het goed met je gaat en geniet van je pensioen. En wie weet kom je nog een keer deze kant op. Grt. Eveline
The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Clarksville VA / Bread topped with butter and chocolate vlokken



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