• June 28, 2024
  • Martijn Broeders
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Another milestone in the Sunnyside Sisters B&B sustainability efforts

The Sunnyside Sisters B&B has reached another milestone in her sustainability efforts. It took awhile, but as of this week we have installed the interior storm windows in the B&B.  With these interior storm windows we are saving up to an extra 50% on heating and cooling usage. And these windows also help to keep our suites comfortable even during the current heatwave in Virginia, and additionally, it keeps dust and pollen out. At first we were a little scared that the windows would alter the authentic look of the rooms, of the windows. But as it turns out you hardly notice that they are there.

Having the storm windows installed is another step in running an energy efficient B&B as possible. Previously taken energy efficient measures are: LED lights inside and outside, smart thermostats (Honeywell T10) in each room, and we installed a propane tankless heater that provides warm water to all five bathrooms and the kitchen simultaneously.

Have a cool and relaxing weekend, everyone!

ps. Check out our blog for more pictures.


  • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Patty  avatar
    June 30, 2024
    from Clarksville, VA
    That will definitely help on the electric bill! I like how you guys are always thinking ahead!
    • The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / {author} avatar
      Martijn Broeders
      July 2, 2024
      We will know more after the first month.... and I will let you know! (you have the same kind of windows as we have... :-)
The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast / Clarksville VA / The Sunnyside Sisters Bed and Breakfast, with a Dutch Touch.



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